ࡱ> >@=M Rh?bjbj==2HWWl *jllllll$5 UF5jjjj =0"jj0 j jыIl!jb 1. In the early fifties, only eight or nine out of a hundred young men changed their jobs within the first three years with a company. (WNASt^NRg g~vRKNkQ]Nvt^{N(WN[lQS]\O Nt^T__Oi0 2. Since most jobs take only a year and a half to master, in order to continue learning, they have to make a job change. 1uN'YYpe]\OSNt^Y1\SNcc :NN~~f[`N NN1\Obc]\O0 3. They have worked for a few years as technical specialists and quickly moved into higher management positions. \O:Nb/gN[ NN(W]\ONQt^KNTOf_0W0Rfؚv{t\MO0 4. Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew. >yOf[[N[NN*N>yO/f`7hb_bN`7hSU\wegv_a0 5. A Frenchman named Auguste Comte made sociology a separate science in the 1830s. 1830t^ N*NSAuguste ComtevlNO>yOf[b:NNrzvf[y0 6. The method of capital punishment varies from nation to nation. gbL{kRvelVV[ T Nv T0 7. The new device was named after the man who spoke out in favor of it. g*NN'Yƀc(uُyeňn TegُyRwQ1\N*NNv TW[}T T0 8. Many people felt that beheading a person in the guillotine was merciful because of the quickness of death. YN:NO(ue4YSegYQN*NN ُ/f_NHav V:Nُ7hON{k_f_NN0 9. A little child cannot understand advertisement for what they are and so believes totally in what he or she hears. \i[?Q Nw^JT:NUOir VdkO[hQ,TO^JT N@bv0 10. And I am upset myself at how the advertisers can control a child s outlook on the world. ^JTFU/fYUOc{i[P[vNLu‰ [dkb^8^&qQ0 11. I think I should join Jolie in her efforts to change advertising tactics(V{eu) when it comes to advertisements for children. mS0R[?Qzv^JT b`b^S_NJolieNwRRS9eS^JTV{eu0 12. However, policymakers were not yet acting on many important environmental problems. 6q ?eV{6R[NS_ev^*g[Y͑vsXObNLR0 13. College students were a major force in the campaign, although participants of all ages were involved. =\{SRُ!kЏRvNmS0RT*Nt^kvN FO/f'Yf[u/fُ:WЏRv;N[Rϑ0 14. thirty years later, the focus has changed but the urgency remains the same. NASt^KNT sQlv&qpSuNSS FOvQ'}'`O6q0 15. X-rays were first discovered by a German scientist, Wilhelm Conrad roentgen, in 1895, almost by accident. X\~gR/f(W1895t^N*N_Vyf[[vP6q0WSsv Nv TW[SWilhelm Conrad roentgen0 16. In fact, the rays could pass as easily through the fleshy part of his hand as through the black paper, but hardly at all through the bone. N[ N 1\PzǏN _ў~N7h \~_[fzǏKb萄v FOtS9h,g NzǏ. 17. The answer would seem to lie in nuclear power stations. weg(WN8h5uz0 18. If the world population goes on increasing at its present rate, we may, in fifty years time, be burning up so much energy that we would damage the earth s atmosphere. YgNLuNS~~NS_MRُy^Xv݋ _N NASt^T ُ7hqpYdkYvn\OObN4xOW0Wtv'YlB\0 19. Psychologists deal with the minds and behavior of people. _tf[[xvzNNv_tNL:N0 20. Several people have been instrumental in the field of psychology. NNN(W_tf[WwN_'Y\O(u0 21. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are. S gS_bN wN NnZie bNMbaƋ0RbNvN0RN܏vݍyYS w0 23. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. T7hvtNNv O N;`/fcknx0 24. Events that the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history. NN_rev͑'YSSNN[t^{Neg NǏ/fǏyO>PT@bNuvg͑v/f[^v N3z['`SUSN[^[?Qzvq_T0 44. When this happens, the government should decrease the salaries of the workers by raising taxes. S_ُy`QSue ?e^^ǏXzegQ\]Nv]D0 45. While this might appear to be a positive step, it is actually regressive. =\{ُ7hZPhb N w/fNyygvce S[E NtS/fmgv0 46. While this law is not without humor by today s standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problem in times gone by. =\{ُ*Nl_ cS_NvhQeg w/f_n=zv FO[tShf_ENNMRNN1\]~0O0RُNpN0 47. the motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure, wrath(f`), the need for attention, stress, and so on. NN@gvSVR{|_Y OY1Y% f` sQl SRI{0 48. To make the problem even more involved, people will often camouflage(cv)their true feelings, thus causing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious. ُ*Nf:NhKbv/f @gvN__cv]vw[`a ~gOhTVv gS_Nl gb%N[_vS_VN?Q0 49. Henry s goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to hug the shore. N)RsP[vvh/fOTňYvn9ۏLv*L N~8^`\0 50. Coal was one of the first minerals to be mined on a big scale, to provide fuel for heating homes. dqp/fNNge'Yĉ!j_Ǒvwir(KNN vQvv/f:NOfcOSe0 51. During this time the selling price, and so profits, will go up and down depending on world demand. (Wdkg dqpv.UNyN:WT0 56. He will have to give advice and make decisions as problems arise, and he must know how to get his huge staff to work efficiently with their respective responsibilities. N_{:NKb NXT]Q;Na QsKNTZPQe N؏_{nZiYUOO]^'YvXT] OTSvQL ؚHe]\O0 57. Numerous studies have now shown that the overwhelming majority of colds are  caught by hand contact. Yxvzhf ~'YYpevaQ/f1uNKbvc agv0 bXT6 , *  J 4 6z,h>*\:jfv">~ !,"X##B$j$%F%%%&&''.(Z(()))**++,J-..//p0CJOJQJaJo(CJOJQJaJo(\h?$a$h?p0011222263P334 56^6,7j7:8~8&9V9:,:^;;b<<=\>2?f?h?CJOJQJaJCJOJQJaJo(0182P. 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