ࡱ> ac`q` RmbjbjqPqP2n::6%~~~~~~~82 > jVV"xxxxxxceeeeee$hv>~ xx ~~xx^+++ l~x~xc+ c++~~+xJ (=k+ct0+<+~+8x0 :+j f xxxpxxx $D~~~~~~ f[MOՋ~`N N tT{~`N Passage 1 People who lived in towns and cities could easily refresh themselves in the hot summers just before the turn of the century. Coca-Cola had been invented in Alaonta the 1980s and it was for sale at thousands of drugstores and candy store soda fountains all over America. But people who lived in the country couldnt easily go into town every time they wanted a Coca-cola or flavored soda water. So Joe Tiedemann at Vicksburg, Mississippi, candy store owner, decided soda should be taken out of the cities and into the country, where most Americans lived. He vegan to fill 10 1/2 ounce, wire-stoppered bottles with Coca Cola, shipping them by wagon and boat to the small towns along the Mississippi River. His business grew quickly:the bottled coke was so popular that biedenharn was forced to move his bottling plant to a larger building. Luonically, the first bottling operation was viewed as a curiosity by the Coca-Cola company. Biedenharn sent then his first two cases, he was politely thanked and then just as politely ignored. Why did Joe Biedenharn decide to ship Coca-Cola to the country? A. Because there are too many shops selling Coca-Cola. B. Because Coca-Cola is overproduced. C. Those in the country do not have easy access to the Cola. D. Joe Biedenharn wanted to do charity work. T{Hh0# p0勘/f~ ㉐g0,gcv/fJoe Biedenharn :NNHNQ[bSSSPNЏ0RaN NǏezvMR NSbNSN_w N*NN~KNNKNMR OO(WW^̑vbGP[̑vNN(WppvY)YSNU NNogSPNeg/c\O|^ySfNN~t^NvSSSPN(WVbCS NNvBg'^T|g^ g.UFO/f OO(WaN NvNNk!k`USPNbςSb4lveP tS N/f^8^[f0W1\0RW̑U NNogv,{VS݋0RVdk Joe BiedenharnQ[bSPN&^0RaN Nُ*NvsQ.͋/fso (u[_4Y hf NbNS1\/f[vSV@bN,gT{Hh:N#(WaN NOOvN N[fU0RSPN  2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? A. Coca-Cola was invented in Atlanta in the 1890s. B. Joe Biedenharn first shipped his bottled Coca-Cola to Vicksberg Mississippi. C. The wire-stoppered bottles didn t preserve the Coca-Cola well. D. At the time of Joe Biedenharn, Coca-Cola was an international company. T{Hh0" p0勘/f$Re v/fǏ[SeN[vt $Re@b~vQ*N yTN*Ncknx ㉐g0,gcv/fN NTN*N/f&{TSevlُ*NvT{Hh+TNez,{VST,{NSsSJoe BiedenharngebbNvtňSPN(u'fT9Sl@w[klЏ0R\G̑Vdk bNSN_w SSSPN/fNN~t^NSfNAlaontav N/fSfNAtlantav @bN y! N&{TSevQ[ y#Nё^\N\OtvvtP[ N_}YOX[SPN v^*g(WSecw @bN_N NeQ  y$_N Ncknx V:NS_e/fSSSPNlQSbz OY (WVvaN NpN N0R f N(u[/fN*NVElQSN1udkS ,gT{Hh:N" 3. Which of the following can we infer from the passage? A. The Coca-Cola company stole Joe Biededharns ideas. B. Joe Biedenharn finally wint bankrupt because of poor management at his plant. C. Joe Biedenharn eventually sold his business. D. Joe Biedenharn business was very successful. T{Hh0$ p0勘/fN*N$ReRg v/fǏ[Se~vcc ~bQTN*N ySNNSe-NceQeg ㉐g0,gcv/fN NTN*N ySN(WSe-NceQeg1uhQevPpe,{NSbNSN wQ Joe BiedenharnvuaSU\ŏ NvlQS_N1\ N_ NNtňSy0RN^'Y|ȋ 1udkS y$Joe Biedenharnvua^8^bR :N,gvcknx yvQN N*N yR+R:N!SSSPNlQSwPzNJoe Biedenharnvua "Joe BiedenharnvSP[~V~% NU 4xN T#Joe BiedenharnQ.UNNvFU^ [Nel(WSe-Nc0R Sl g+T(WSe-N @bN NeQ  4. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the word  view in the last sentence? A. preview B. review C. seen D. rate T{Hh0# p0勘/fN*N͋Gl v/fYUOǏ N Nenx[͋IN ㉐g0,gcv/fgTNS݋-NvUS͋view:NUOa͋@b(WSP[va`/fBiedenharnv,{N!ktP[\ONOSSSPNlQSvN[dk'Y:N}YGY ُw/f*YwQ g:RaINN_N1\/f SSSPNlQSvN(u}YGYvNR/fbRvُ/fN*NsQNSSSPNvEeN @bN gp`S_vv^/f" Passage 2. It s a day to celebrate, a time to educate, and a way to make a difference. Earth day was first observed on April 22, 1970. the tradition began in the united states and is now an international focal point for people who are concemed about the environment. Imagine a time before the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species act, and even the environmental Protection Agency. Hot topics of the time were industrial pollution, nuclear accidents, oil dependency, pesticides, and a vanity of social issues. However,olicymakers were not yet acting on many important environmental problems. Earth day grew ort of grassroots action and institutional support. Student leader Denis Hayes and Wisconsin Senatour Gaylord Nelson were two key organizers for the firwt event. Over 20 million concerned citizens rallied for clean air and water. College students were a major force in the campaign, although participants of all ages were involved. Still, we cannot really credit a handful of individuals for the success of Earth Day. After all, a major message of Earth Day is that every single person has an important role in the environment. The first Earth Day was very successful, inspiring the passage of congressional protection for air, water, and endangered species. Momentum from the demonstration also fueled the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency. Thirty years later, the focus has changed but the urgency remains the same. Due to increasing amounts of scientific evidence that fossil fuels are changing the global climate, the theme for Earth Day 2000 is Clean Energy. The four major goals of Earth Day 2000 are clean cars, clean power, clean air, and clean investments. 1. April 22nd, 2000 is the ____ years anniversary of the Earth Day. A. 30th B. 20th C. 10th D. 100th T{Hh0! p0勘v/fYUO~bQpeW[h:yv~ ㉐g0cv/f2000t^4g22e/f0WtevY\hTt^~_eVT{(upeW[h:yv~e ۏL{US{NSev,{NkbNSNwS 0Wtege1970t^4g22e(WV_YR}Y/f30t^~_e@bN y!:N,gvT{Hh 2. _____ originated the Earth Cay. A. College students. B. Policy makers. C. Ordinary people. 0D. Denis Hayes. T{Hh0# p0勘/fN*N1\ezN[ۏLcv~ ㉐g0,gcv/f0Wte/f1uSwvُ*NT{Hh(W,{ Nk̑~bQ勵k,{NSJTɋbN 0Wte/fOS;mR v^1u>yO:gg/ecvf[uDenis HayesTZe^f]XTGaylord Nelson/f,{N!k;mRv;N~~200YN^lZƖweg |TTr^Qv4lnTzzlT*Nt^6B\vNSRNُ!kƖO 'Yf[u(Wُ!k;mR-N/f;NRϑ FO/fbN NnxR0W0WtevbRR_:NTNRN1uُNk݋va`bNSN_w 0WtevR^/fƖSOv~g v^ N/f1uTN*NNR^v@bN cknxT{Hh/f# 3. Which of the following is the immediate effect of the first Earth Day? A. The Environmental Protection Agency was founded. B. Congressional Protection for water was passed. C. There are more demonstrations followed. D. Denis Hayer published his Clean Energy Now. T{Hh0" p0勘/f[ezvN*N;NN[v$ReRg ㉐g0,gcv/fN NTN*N/f,{N*N0Wtevvcq_T@b勘vT{Hh+T(Wezv,{Vk-Nُk݋va`/fN*N0Wteg:NbR VOVdk ǏN[zzl 4l S[uirObl8nLvR4Y_NcRNsO:ggvbz1udkS [vcq_Tv/f"VOǏN4lObl Vdk T{Hh:N" 4. Which of the following is not the goal of Earth Day 2000? A. clean air 000000 B. clean water C. clean automobiles 00D. clean investment. T{Hh0" p0勘WNezQ[$Rev~ ㉐g0,gcv/fN NTN*N N/f2000t^0Wtevvh@b~vV*NT{HhR+R:N!zzlQS "4lQS #}lfQS T$bDQS ǏSegTNSbNSNwS 2000t^0Wtevvh/f}lfQS nQS zzlQSTbDQS1udkSw S g y" N^\NvQQ[@bN ":N,gT{Hh 5. Earth Day is a day to ____. A. increase fossil fuels B. purify the water C. solve social issues D. protect environment. T{Hh0$ p0勘v/fǏezv;N``[@b~ y\OQ$Re ㉐g0,gcv/f0Wte/fNHNeP[NhQe,{NkvgTNSbNSNwS nNVv0WteN)Y/f@b gsQ_sXvNNsQlv&qp N te{ez_NN0WtevwVwSvQ@bNuvN|Rq_TJTɋbN [/fN*NObsXveP[@bN cknxT{Hh:N$ Passage . Hillary Rodham Clinton released the first television spot of her Senate campaign this morning, a 30-second commercial that will begin airing statewide on Thursday. The spot, titled First, uses numerous still photos to highlight landmarks in Mrs. Clintons career, while the voiceover says she is more than a first lady. There is no mention of Mrs. Clintons rival for New Yorks Senate seat, New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Clinton campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson said the ad was positive and biographical, instead of focusing on the first ladys opponent. Mrs. Clinton has previously aired radio ads, but has generally stayed with a strategy of making extensive campaign appearances instead of using television spots, while Giuliani has already run statewide TV ads. Text of Hillary Commercial: First she became a lawyer, named one of the top hudred in America. Her first cause was children, fighting abuse and chairing the board of the Childrens Defense Fund. Her first priority was public schools, helping to establish teacher testing. More than a first lady. For 30 years, shes fought for children and families. As New York s senator, she ll fight for better schools and heath care for children. Hillary. Put her to work for all of us. 1. What does the word  air in the first sentence mean? A. dry B. express. C. breathe. d. broadcast. T{Hh0$ p0勘/fN*N͋Gl ㉐g0,gcv/f,{Nk-Nvair/fNHNa`1uُS݋bNSN_w ^b̑N)YehfShNyYz ~~XTv5uƉ[ O:Ne30Rv5uƉ[ O\NfgN_YۏLhQVd>e1uSva`bNSNsQairva`/fd>e@bNT{Hh:N$ 2. What does  more than first lady in the first paragraph suggest? A. Hillary is not a first lady. B. Hillary does much0B!!2266@F*SyO;mR-N~8^28 NvcSN?eN _Yz wXTegN@bN y"^/f勘T{Hh 3. Which of the following statement is true regarding the Senator campaign according the passage? A. Hillary has appeared on TV shot for numerous times. B. Hillary rarely makes her public appearance. C. Giuliani has made TV advertisement for himself. D. Hillary has a bigger chance to win the campaign. T{Hh0# p0ُ/fN*N[SeN[vt㉘ ㉐g0,gcv/f[dkSbz N NTN*Nl/fcknxvezv,{VkJTɋbN ^b̑NMRf~(W^d N\OǏ[ ONyY N Tv/f giuliani]\OǏhQV5uƉ[ O1u勵kSw y#/fcknxT{HhNezv,{NS݋bNSN_wُ/f ^b̑,{ N!k(W5uƉ N:N]\O[ O @bN y!T" N&{TSedk!kXTz =Kb\*gRf @bN y$_N NeQ  4. Hillary s campaign focuses on all the following except ____. A. children s health care. B. school education for children. C. combating child abuse. D. family planning policy. T{Hh0$ p0ُ/fN*N[Se~vRg$Re ㉐g0,gcv/fN NTN*N N/f ^b̑vz ͑p ^b̑vz ^JT(WezvgTQk̑[v͑p/ff[!hYe\OċS (WǏSv30t^̑ ^b̑Nv(W:N?QzT[^x^yeN\egS_N~~vSXT yYO:Ni[P[Nvo}YYeTeP^Oi RR1udkbNSN_w y!?QzeP^Oi "?Qzvf[!hYe T#SbQP_?Qzsa /fyYvz ͑p S g y$Ru?eV{ NSe NT @bN$/f,gT{Hh 5. Which of the following can best serve as the title of this passage? A. First Lady s Senator Campaign. B. Hillary s TV Advertisement. C. A Rivalry for New York s Senate Seat. D. The Focuses of Hillary Campaign. T{Hh0! p0勘/fN*N;Ne v/fezvv^/fTN*N ㉐g0,geN,{N+YN ^b̑KQg:NvQeQ ~~SXTb_^U^w [vMRvz rQ\ONN*N'YiN~ v^N[ ^b̑vz Q[\ONN*NN~ Te \OhN]v‰pte{ezNN~yYvz `Q:N;N @bN y!,{N+YNz SXT (uNibhQeg:NhQb :NcknxT{Hh Passage 4 The latest version of the  Love Bug computer virus failed to cause nearly as much harm as its predecessor because companies remained on alert. The new virus, dubed  NewLove , slowly spread across the world over the past two days, infecting thousands of computers. But the damage caused didn t approach that caused by the first version, which infected millions of computers around the world two weeks ago and caused more than 10 billion in damages. Because awareness was heightened by the Love Bug, network administrators responded much more quickly to NewLove and stymied it before it got out of control.  In this perspective, Love Bug was a very positive wakeup call, said Gene Hodges at security company Network Associates Inc, in Santa Clara, Calif.  NewLove is similar in form to the Love Bug, but it s much more destructive. The virus appears as an attachment to an e-mail whose subject begins with  FW: If a user clicks on the attachment s scroll-like icon, every file on their hard drive is destroyed.  Basically, it s going to traxh your machine, said Eric Chien, chief researcher at Symantec s antivirus lab in the Netherlands. The Love Bug only killed a small set of files, including graphics files. The new virus even wipes out the Windows cooperating system. 1. Which of following is not true in relation to  love B ? A. It is a computer virus. B. It kills files in a computer. C. It appears as an attachment to an e-mail whose subject begins with FW: . D. It was more harmfull to the computer world than  NewLove virus. T{Hh0# p0勘/fN*N v/f[1rkukvt ㉐g0,gcv/f1\1rkuk N NTN*N NcknxNezv,{NS݋bNSN_w gя {:guk1rkvNyeb__&^~hQtvqS[ NPHQMRv1rkHN%N͑ V:NT*NlQS]~ g@bc2hQegTNkJTɋbN 1rkukSkOWN\ReN SbNNVheN FO/f e"kukRO4xOWte*N{:g|~1udkS y! "T$/fcknx y#/fe"k@b:N v^ N/f1rk@b:NُNpfnxH(W,{mQkv,{NS-N @bNT{Hh:N# 2. What does the word  stymie (in the sentence  network administerators respondedand stymied it before it got out of control ) mean? A. obstruct. B. get rid of . C. switch D. be frightened. T{Hh0! p0ُ/fN*N͋Gl v/f[US͋stymievt ㉐g0,gcv/fstymie:NUOIN͋Qs(W,{Vk-N[@b(WvSP[va`/f1uN1rkcؚNNNvf` @bN Q~{tXTُ!kS^^8^_ Se6RbkNv^1udkS ,gvT{Hh^/f!;bk 6Rbk  3. What does the  NewLove bug basically do? A. It sends some bugs into your computer. B. It destroys your computer. C. It shows tenderness to your computer. D. It saves the files in your computer. T{Hh0" p0ُ/fN*N~$Re v/fe"k9h,g Neg/fr^NHNv ㉐g0,gvT{Hh(WSe,{Nk-NvcH(W勵k-N wpQSymantecbuk[[;NxvzNXTEric ChienS 9h,g Neg [\kOW`Ov:ghVVdk T{Hh/f" 4.  NiwLove ____. A. was blocked before it went out of control. B. destroys Windows operating system. C. kills files in computers. D. all the above. T{Hh0$ p0ُ/fN*Nt$Re v/f[US͋e"kvt ㉐g0N,{VkvgTNS݋bNSN_w V:N gN N!k1rkvYeQ~{tXTُ!kS^^8^_ S6RbkNe"kv^@bN y!/fcknxvQNezvgTNk-Neg w bNSNwS e"kuk NFOkOW{:geN NO4xOWte*N{:gd\O|~ @bN y"T#_N/fcknxv 1udkS $:N,gvT{Hh 5. If you are a computer user, you should ____in time of  NewLove . A. open your e-mail whose subject begins with whatever letter. B. keep your computer off all the time. C. scrutinize e-mail attachments closely. D. stop surfing the Internet. T{Hh0# p0勘/fN*N$ReRg v/fYg`O/fN*N{:gO(u (We"kS\OKNE `O\O`HNR ㉐g0,g@b~vV*NT{HhR+R:N!Sb_NNUOW[k:N;Nv5uP[N " NSb_{:g #whg5uP[NDN T$\Pbk NQ Nez,{mQkv,{NSbNSN_w e"kukN5uP[NDNvb__Qs NNv;N/fN&-vN bNv{:g1\ NOg Nuk@bN ,gvT{Hh^/f# SY! " $l g_ _N/f NSLv @bN NeQ      PAGE  PAGE 9 0182P. 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