ࡱ> EGDq` RDbjbjqPqP2F::i$%$$$$$$$888 D 8_ j\\"~~~~~~  $ h1> E$~~~~~ $$~~ r r r ~$~$~ r ~ r r $$r ~P QY=r / 0_ r o jor o$r <~~r ~~~~~  d~~~_ ~~~~888D888888$$$$$$ [W!jb Part I : Cloze Television, it is often said, keeps one 1 about current events, allows one to follow the 2 developments in science and politics, and 3 an endless series of programs which are both 4 and stimulating. The most distant 5 and the strangest customs ate brought right 6 ones sitting room. It could be argued that the radio performs this 7 just as well: but on television everything is much more living, much more 8 . Yet here is a danger, The television screen itself has a terrible, almost physical fascination for us. We get 9 used to looking at its movements, so 10 on its flickering pictures, that it begins to 11 our lives. A friend of 12 told me the other day that his television set had broken 13 and that he and his family had suddenly found that they had far more time to do things, and that they had 14 begun to talk to each other again. It makes one think, 15 it! There are many other arguments for and against television. The poor 16 of its programs is often criticized. But it is undoubtedly a great comfort to many 17 elderly people. And does it corrupt or instruct our children? I think we must realize that television 18 is neither good nor bad, It is the uses 19 which it is put that determine its 20 to society. 1. A. informative B. informed C. knowing D. familiar 2. A. latter B. late C. latest D. later 3. A. offers B. awards C. rewards D. avails 4. A. teaching B. instructive C. constructive D. illuminating 5. A. nations B. powers C. states D. countries 6. A. up to B. into C. down D. inside 7. A. business B. aid C. service D. duty 8. A. true B. vivid C. actual D. real 9. A. quite B. much C. so D. rather 10. A. dependable B. dependent C. reliable D. relying 11. A. dominate B. master C. rule D. ruin 12. A. me B. my C. mine D. I 13. A. down B. up C. off D. out 14. A. truly B. actually C. genuinely D. really 15. A. does B. doesnt C. isnt D. is 16. A. quantity B. quality C. character D. grade 17. A. lonely B. alone C. single D. solitary 18. A. by itself B. of itself C. in itself D. itself 19. A. into B. to C. on D. toward 20. A. price B. worth C. merit D. value 1. B informative0cODev N㉄v0nc5uƉSNNNS_MRvb_R`Q &  inform w T& bJT N0familiar q`v Q'fv0 2. C latter0T0latest0gяv gev0NMRbNS:Nv^RS a:N SNONߍ_ Ngevyf[T?elSU\0 9hncُS݋va` bNwS^(ulatest00 3. A offer0cO0award0~& VYreward0Vb bT{avail0 gvN0ُSNMRbvSP[O6q/fv^RS 0ُSbN9hnca_[f Q^/f! a`/f5uƉ؏SN~‰OcOepev5uƉv0 4. "0 instructive0 gYeaINv constructive ^ v ^v illuminating0/T:y'`v /TSv0ُ*N_>f6q/f" a`/f5uƉve gYeaINS g1ZPNR0 5. D00e܏V[vgS*`vΘO`N`HTsQeg $yaINg&{T0 6. B00ُN5uƉv(W[S̑HTsQeg EeR~YBlkXQvN͋^:Ninto asTbُN5uƉv~`O&^0R[S̑eg. 7. C00_N gNO 6e:g_NSNcOُ7hv gR09hncez ُNv/f:NN gRv SN_0Rcknx y# SY 1\ w ya`cdl_NSN_QS(uservice v[egُS_[f_R0 8. B0 true wv w[v0vivid sv uRv actual [Ev realwv FO/f(W5uƉ N wNR>f__uR ُQN5uƉN6e:gv:S+R09hnc bya`N N NeSw"cknx0 9. C YgZP NQeg _T w v^RvNS_N/fso_4Yv Tb؏ gthat_[vNS݋so& that& 0Ydk& NN& >f6qHNbNba` NtzSw#cknx0 10. B y"dependentTbߍN͋on dependent on0a`/f O` OV 'Ya/f bNYdkOV5uƉNޏ~ЏRvp;ub NN[_Yc6RbNvu;m0 11. A dominate c6R ccmaster0cc rule0ĉ[ ruinkN9hnc NNS_NcQ [5uƉ*YOVNNNu;m-Ny N_[ NgaIN N[c6RNbNvu;m0 12. C0 a friend of mine bvN*N gSmine:N T͋'`ir;NN͋ a`/f bv (Wُ̑[vS_N my friends my/fN*Nb_[͋'`ir;NN͋0 13. A Nv5uƉ:gOWN& :ghVN(ubreak down. 14. B 5uƉOWNKNTNTN[̑Nz6qSs g}YYN`ZP v^NN[ NNNSSNQvNNAmN09hncSaSw(uB actually. 15. B SauS N,s(W_ >f6q B0 16. B quantity peϑ quality (ϑ character '`f6q(uquality (ϑ0 17. A FO/fkeu0W ُ[N NNt^~vd[rvlonely,laُ*N͋/fb_[͋͋'` @bOp͋/fNelderly people Neg/fNyg'YvpaɅ0SY alone ُ*NUS͋S\Oh USrv single US*Nv solitary /UNvُ*NegN͋aSgN͋'`cc z^0 18. D television itself 5uƉꁫُS/f 5uƉꁫ[e g}YvNb S gOWvNb _N1\/fck\O(u|Q gKN0 19. B put sth to use _Y/T(u& EeBcknx0 20. D price NyON

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